Posted by: Wendy | January 9, 2009

Hello world!

Hey guys and gals!  I’m working diligently to get this new site up and funning.  I meant to type “running” there, but the typo seemed better.  Heh.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for me, let me know!  Thanks for coming by!


  1. I like your site! Very useful information, and fabulous design! 😉

  2. Hope this turns out to be a great new venture for you!

  3. Can’t wait for you to get everything sorted!

  4. Everything is really nice looking so far, the layout and everything is very clean and easy to navigate :D, I’m bookmarking now so that I can check back on how your site develops.

  5. Yippee! So excited about the new venture!

  6. @daddydan- Ha. Now it doesn’t look like you’re being a smartass. 😉

    @Brenda- Thanks. I think it’ll be fun. 🙂

    @Kat- Me neither! lol

    @Paxomaniac- Thanks for the bookmark! It means a lot. 🙂

    @Kelly- Me too! Thanks for putting up with me the last few days. lol. Maybe now I can get back to the fun stuff. Heh.

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